Adding records to sheet via Email

In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of adding a record to sheet by sending an email. The email body will contain CSV data, and the subject of the email will serve as the database code. This method can be particularly useful for automating data entry processes or integrating with systems that accept data via email.

You can also add files to the sheet by attaching them to the email you will send.


  1. Access to an email account.
  2. An artavolo sheet managed by you.


Step 1: Set Up Email Integration

First, you must allow the base to create records through email.

To do this go to Settings -> Guest access.

When the window appears, navigate to the section shown in the image.

Now you need to enable the option Adding records through email

Step 2: Email structure explained

The email receiver is:

The email subject need to be the database code which you can find in the opened window.

The email body must contain the rows you want to add in the sheet in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. Each row represents a record, and each column represents a field in your database. Ensure that the column order matches the structure of your database table.

For example:

Name, Age, Email 

John Doe, 30, 

Jane Smith, 25,

Step 3: Compose the Email

Create a new email and set the subject line to the desired database unique code. This code will be used to identify the database. In the body of the email, paste the CSV data you prepared in Step 2. Don't forget to set the receiver (

Step 4: Send the Email

Send the email containing the necessary information to identify your database.

Step 5: Database Processing

Once the email is received by artavolo, it should automatically parse the email subject to determine the database and process the CSV data in the body. When it's done you can see your new records in your sheet.

If you have attached files to the email, you can find them in the Files section.


In this tutorial, we've demonstrated how to add a record to a database by sending an email with CSV data in the body and using the email subject as the database unique code.