Collaboration guide

Artavolo is more fun with friends!

After reading this article, you will know how to share workbooks and sheets with friends and teammates. Artavolo provides many options for configuring and providing access to the people you want to work with.

Main points

There are two options for collaborating with someone. You can send an invitation as a workbook collaborator or as a sheet collaborator.

  • The workbook collaborator has access to all of the sheets in a workbook whereas the sheet collaborator has only access to the sheets shared with them within a particular workbook.
  • Workbook and sheet collaborators can be added at different permission levels, which determines what kinds of actions they can (or cannot) take in the workbooks or sheets to which they have access.
  • There is no limit to the number of collaborators of sheets and workbooks.
  • If you want to allow viewing access to the sheet of unauthorized and unregistered visitors, you can enable them by using the "Allow guests to view the sheet" option.
  • In case you do not want the sheet to be accessible to unauthorized and unregistered visitors, you have an opportunity to share a form that gives them the ability to fill it in.

Workbook collaborators

If you want to share access to the workbook you have created, you can do it from the homepage. Find the workbook you want to share and click the "Share" button. 

After clicking the button, a window will appear from which you can choose between a few options.

Share workbook via e-mail (Tab 1)

You can send a collaborative invitation by email from this section. After the invitation is created, the user will receive a message to accept it.

Share workbook via a link (Tab 2)

You can create a collaborative invitation through a link that you can share with your colleagues or friends from this section.

You will notice a selection menu in both methods. You are supposed to choose which rights are allowed to the invited collaborator.

The possibilities are the following:

  • Owner - Has full rights over the workbook and its sheets
  • Contributor - Has rights to edit the contents of the sheets in the workbook 
  • Readonly - Has rights to view the contents of sheets in the workbook 

You can manage all existing collaborators under the form section.

Collaborators and billing

Each Workbook has its own billing plan - Free, Standard, Pro or Enterprise. Some important things about the behavior and capabilities of workbook sheets depend on the Billing plan. For example, by default, the sheets of the free plan have a limit of 5,000 records per sheets. In the premium plans, this limit is higher. Another important thing to note is that with Premium plans you have 24/7 support. You can learn more about the plans here.

Sheet collaborators

Sharing access to the sheet you have created is similar to sharing a workbook . Find the sheet you want to share and press the "settings" button, then select "Share sheet".

The "Share sheet" button can also be found at the top of your sheet page.

After clicking the button, a window will appear.

Share sheet via e-mail (Tab 1)

You can send a collaborative invitation by email from this section. After the invitation is created, the user will receive a message to accept it.

Share sheet via link (Tab 2)

You can create a collaborative invitation through a link that you can share with your colleagues or friends from this section.

If the user doesn’t have rights over the workbook, the shared sheet will appear in the “Sheets shared with me” section on the homepage.

In both methods, you will notice there is a menu with a selection. You have to choose what rights to be granted to the invited collaborator, but this time the rights will apply only to the sheet!

The possibilities are the following:

  • Owner - Has full rights over the sheet
  • Contributor - Has rights to edit the contents of the sheet
  • Readonly - Has rights to view the contents of the sheet

You can manage all existing collaborators under the form section.

Guest access

Base settings (Tab 1)

Probably many of the people who use Artavolo will have to share information from a sheet with third parties without providing the ability to edit it.

So you are in the right place! You can allow unauthorized and unregistered visitors to see the contents of the sheet without being able to change anything from this section.

To do this you need to turn on the option "Allow guests to view the sheet" and share the link to the friend you want.

You can also get a code to embed your sheet in a website from this section.

All you need to do is simply copy the generated code and paste it in the place you want on your website.

Form settings (Tab 2)

You will find settings related to the generation of a form, which can be filled in by unauthorized and unregistered visitors in this section.

What does the collaboration give you?

If you have a sheet in which you want to collect information from your friends who don’t have access to the entered data, you can use this functionality. Another good example of this functionality is if you want to create surveys.

For example:

You have created a sheet with columns Name, Phone and Answer which will be filled with data from voting.

Anyone who receives a link to the form will need to fill in the sample data fields (John Doe, 0-123-456, Yes) and submit its contents.

After sending, a row of the sent data will be added to the sheet, and each of the filled-in fields will correspond to the given column of the sheet.

How to set up the form?

In the field "Form title" enter the desired title of the form, which will be shown to the applicant. It can be a question.

Turn on the switch button "Turn on" to allow the use of the form and send the generated link.

If you want unauthorized and unregistered visitors to be able to fill in the form, turn on the "Share for everyone" option. You can password protect the form, but it's not required.

When the user opens the link you provide him the form will be displayed and ready for use.